Summer is ‘officially’ here

I finally broke up for the summer holidays last Friday. This summer is needed not just wanted! haha I’m shattered!

HALLELUJAH! I definatley need this 7 weeks of ‘relaxation’ before going back into year 13 in September, but oh wait?! School loves to shed some pain, frustration and inconvenience in the form of summer work… because it’s not as if we don’t work all year round, they want to ruin our summer as well… Yay.

With 4 A3 art movements to recreate with annotations, an entire media studies presentation on a variety of theorists to help us with the A2 studies and perhaps some additional volunteer ICT work, If I’m really feeling up to it. But if I’m 100% honest, I don’t really believe that this summer work is going to benefit me in many ways, well not straight away anyway and why now? Why not when we come back?…

Obviously I see the main goal behind summer work but uh come on… And I do guess that I do have around 35 spare days that I don’t have specific plans but you know, just the sound of that is literally perfect! It will take me a good few days to successfully finish of the art work, considering how much of a perfectionist I am and I don’t even know how long the presentation will take.

I did however get some really good news last Wednesday. I have finally managed to get myself a well paid – well for a 16 year old, inexperienced student it’s well paid – job. I had an interview at around half past 12, was out by quarter to and had already received a phone call to say I had the job by 4 that day! So… My summer might be a little busier than I had anticipared but atm I’m surprisingly happy with the fact that I wont be spending every single day in bed watching cheesy or sad rom coms. Okay well maybe 5 out of 7 days will be spent that way be hey what do you expect?

Anyway I went slightly off topic, I want all of my summer work done in the next 2 weeks of I’m honest – the time that my boyfriend is on holiday – that way I can relax afterwards. Well until August 13th, the day after my birthday. Why do you ask? This my treasures if one of the scariest days of my life. AS grade results Oh holy moly. I just want to give a quick pep talk, do your summer work like now not the day before you go back to school, try not to stress about any results you might be receiving because it’s too late to change it and I know that literally doesn’t make you feel any better trust me, so many people say that to me but sadly it’s the truth. And just remember there are other alternatives to any decisions you have made in terms of further education or career choices. Don’t sweat!

Love you treasures, P

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