Universities.. Blah, Blah, Blah

At the moment I’m in the midst of so many really important decisions. A decision that a lot of you will be facing right now just like me. Everyone is asking the same questions over and over again… Which university are you going to? What degree are you studying? Home or away? What open days are you going to?

Personal Statements

There is so much pressure put onto people my age at the moment to write their personal statements. We are told that we are likely to have to redraft it around 5-10 times. Just to make it perfect. It’s so difficult to really sell yourself in 4,000 characters. You either write too much or not enough, and trying to find an in between is torture. I was at over 8,000 characters around an hour ago, and now at 6,676… I’m trying to fit my entire life story into this one A4 page, and it really isn’t working!! My deadline is tomorrow and I physically don’t think I have the strength to cut over 2,000 characters. In fairness I have had the entire summer to write this personal statement and yes, I know I should have been more organised and motivated.. but come on we all procrastinate over the summer and regret not doing the summer work that we needed to. In the end I have to just remember that it doesn’t matter if I don’t fit in this summer course here or this programme there, and really the university you go to doesn’t define who you are.

Home or Away?

Okay, this is a toughie… Do I take the plunge into University life, with student unions and making friends and living in a strange new area… Or, do I stick within my comfort zone, minutes from home. Just writing that sentence has told me that I am such a worrier and constantly feel the need to know the outcome of every situation. Weird as it may be, I’m worried that the girls will be bitchy, or the area wont be nice, or ill run out of money and I cant pay my rent. I literally don’t know if I’m strong willed enough to fly the nest. Me and my mum have already gotten emotional a few days back, crying and laughing about the thought of me moving away. I think that it’s not only me that relies on her, but she relies on me. I don’t want to be a cringe or anything, and there’s nothing wrong with loving your family, don’t get me wrong, but I will miss them so much. I’ll miss out on some of my baby brother most special moments, and only be able to connect with them through face time and messages instead of face-to-face communication… which totally sucks.

I’ve booked 6 open days and I have decided to do a primary education degree.

So, I just want to say, in this absolutely stressful time, there are others who are going through it to, so take a relaxing bath, pig out and talk to others who are going through the same things. But please go to open days and make sure that this is the uni for you

Love P

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